Buy The Divine Romance: Collected Talks And Essays On Realizing God In Daily Life: 2 Old Book, Authored by paramahansa yogananda in paperback binding from Used Book Store.
This is a Used The Divine Romance: Collected Talks And Essays On Realizing God In Daily Life: 2 Book in the English Language. Collected talks and essays on realizing God in daily life.
About the Author
Paramahansa Yogananda is an Indian yogi and guru whose best-selling spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi, has introduced millions of readers to the perennial wisdom of the East. He is now widely recognized as the Father of Yoga in the West. He founded Yogoda Satsanga Society of India in 1917, in Ranchi, and Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles in 1920 for the dissemination of Kriya Yoga. His other works include God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita, The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You, THe Law of Success, How You Can Talk with God, Man’s Eternal Quest, The Divine Romance, Inner Peace etc. All available on
Indian Writing
Literature & Fiction
9788189535056 ISBN
Paramahansa Yogananda Book Author
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