Buy Inderbir Singh’s Human Embryology Used Book, Authored by v subhadra devi in paperback binding from Used Book Store.
This fully revised eleventh edition provides undergraduates with the most current information on human embryology. Beginning with genetics, the female reproductive system, fertilization, and early embryonic development, subsequent sections detail the development of each embryonic system. Genetic and molecular aspects are presented in tables, and clinical correlations are highlighted. New chapters cover genetics and molecular biology, the skeletal and muscular system, clinical applications, and an embryology ready reckoner. The text is richly illustrated with clinical photographs and tables, and includes case scenarios and review questions for self-assessment.
About the Author
V Subhadra Devi MS (Anatomy).
Medicine & Health Sciences
9352701151 ISBN-10
9789352701155 ISBN
V Subhadra Devi Book Author
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